Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The "Plan" far

Here's a quick synopsis of the plan for our adventure. My friend/roommate/sorority sister/former co-worker/future Amazing Race teammate Sarah and I are leaving March 3rd and heading down under for 6 months of traveling, using 1 backpack each! (In fact today is "mock packing" day for me...we'll see how it goes!)

We arrive in Auckland, New Zealand on March 5th. From there we plan to buy a car and spend the next 6 weeks driving all over New Zealand. We'll see the beaches at the north, the wine country in the middle and the glaciers in the south.

On April 15th we are flying from Auckland to Syndey, Australia where we will meet up with a work program, BUNAC. We will get jobs in Syndey (restaurant/bar work, resort, fruit picking, whatever) and stay there for a couple of months. Then we plan to travel Australia's Gold Coast from top to bottom, also seeing Tasmania. Once we are at the top of Australia we'd ideally like to jet over to SE Asia - Indonesia, Malaysia, maybe even India (funds permitting). We have a return flight scheduled for September 2nd out of Sydney. That's our basic plan for now! The rest we will figure out as we go.

I'm a giant ball of nervousness and excitedness right now but I am very much looking forward to this adventure!!


Unknown said...

I can't wait to read your blog Katy! I hope this turns into a memoir and then a movie! I can then quit my job and join your entourage!

Unknown said...

Haha Allie you are such a nerd!

Katy I am so excited to follow your journeys on this blog - keep it updated as often as possible!!! Good luck and have an amazing trip! We will miss you/be jealous of you while we all work at our stupid day jobs.